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  • PGD N10,000 Per Chapter
  • MSc. N25,000 Per Chapter
  • PHD N60,000 Per Chapter





Employees are the heart of any organization. For any organization to operate smoothly  and  without  any  interruption,  employee  cooperation  cannot  be  replaced  with anything else. It is of utmost importance that the employees of an organization not only have a

good relationship with the top management, but also they maintain a healthy and professional relationship with their coworkers. The following study is a self-conducted research on how motivational tools impact the performance of employee for betterment. The study also focused on de-motivation factors affecting employee performance negatively. A sample of individuals was selected and was interviewed with a self-administrated questionnaire to obtain primary data.  The  data  was  analyzed  using  descriptive  statistical  analysis  methods.  The  results obtained indicate that if employees are positively motivated, it improves both their effectiveness and efficiency drastically for achieving organizational goals.


1.1  Background of the Study

What  makes  the  employees  of  any  organization  “go  the extra  mile”  to  provide  excellent service? The answer to this question lies in this self-conducted research paper. Motivation is a combination of factors that operate within each  and requires a combination of approaches.In general sense, motivation can be referred as a combination of motive and action. Vroom (1964) has suggested that performance can be thought of a multiplicative function of motivation and ability {P=F(M.A)}. The model of motivation is based upon a definition of form of voluntary activity.” (Vroom-1964.p» 6). Also, research reveals that an employee’s ability only partially

determines his output or productivity. The  major determinant is his motivation level. “. G. Jones and J. George from the book “Contemporary Management.” Steers et al. (2004), asserted that

employee  motivation  plays  a  vital  role  in  the  management  field;  both  theoretically  and practically. It is said that one of the important functions of human resource manager is to ensure

job commitment at the workplace, which can only be achieved through motivation (Petcharak, 2002).There is  general agreement  that  people  are opportunities  for career  and knowledge growth. Heneman and Schwab have stated, “A central concern of industrial relations is the identification and measurement of factors associated with individual differences in employee job  performance.”  And  this  identification  and  measurement  are  the  basic  functions  of motivational  factors or  tools.As  Rai (2004)  put forward;  motivation is  crucial  for good performance and therefore it is increasingly important to study what motivates employees for

better performance, so the author of this journal urges that more and more research should be conducted to find out the factors that affect employee performance significantly.

1.2 Statement of the problem

In the modern competitive world, business organizations are facing ever-growing challenges regarding commitment, engagement, belief, recruitment and retention of their employees.. DDI (Development Dimensions International)’s own  research reveals that only 19 percent of employees are highly engaged within their organization. Not only is that, but also in the field of recruitment, a high proportion of these organizations still experiencing difficulties (84%). Motivation is about giving your staff the right mixture of guidance, direction, resources and rewards so that they are inspired and keen to work in the way that you want them to (Ludhans,

1992). So a large portion behind these difficulties can easily be solved by imparting proper motivation.In the fierce era of competition, organizations nowadays are more emphasizing on

the management of Human Resources (Robert. L, 2008).A manager capable of managing his employee effectively is a successful one.  Motivational tools are the effective in this context. We always have to keep in mind that the employees are not motivated solely by money and employee  behavior  is  linked  to  their  attitudes  (Dickson,  1973).Any  Institution  faces  the challenges of the employee retention, a high cost of recruitment, training, rising competition, increased rules & regulation by the government and high rate of technological growth. Also, from the perspective of employee, they feel de-motivated and overworked. For finding out

more  accurate  an  outcome  we  conducted  our  research  within  a  few  branches  of  the Karmosangsthan Bank Limited. The essence of the study is to find out at what level employee engagement in decision making can motivate the employees  not only ameliorate their diligence but also their perseverance and resolution.  

1.3 Objective of the study

The  objective of the study is to explore how different key variables motivate employee and assist an  organization (Karmosangsthan Bank Limited)  to rise and  ascend as  an economic superpower. The main intentions of this study are:

Ø To investigate the condition of motivation in our banking sectors. 

Ø To analyze the influences and outcomes of motivation on employee performance.

Ø To explore how motivation has been able to meet employee prospect.   

Ø To examine the employee performance level bolstered by motivation.

Ø To  identify  the  factors  as  well  as  hindrances  are  still  holding  back  employee’s


Ø To compare the achievement level with the use of motivation and expectation.

Ø To study the effectiveness of techniques adopted by organizations. 

Ø To suggest what more can be done to achieve optimum outcomes using motivational

tools for the betterment of both the organization and employee.

1.4 Research Questions

Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources  to establish facts and reach new conclusions. We have conducted our research on employee motivation for we believe it is one of the strongest and most an influential equipment that can stimulate human resource either for the betterment or worse. So it is a sensitive issue, unless applied correctly may cause aberration. We have developed some questions here which are directly related to how motivation impacts  their  job satisfaction  level  and encourage them  to work  for  their employer. 

· How the Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivational factors impact the employee performance?

· How  the workplace  environment  and  sound communication with  top management

impacts employee performance?

· How the employees rank the importance of ten factors that motivated them in doing

their work: 1=most important  10=least important?

· Where the employees desire to see themselves after 10 years of working?

1.5 Development of Hypothesis

Ho1: Motivation has a great impact on employee’s performances.

Ho2: Motivation has an influence on the Employees job performances.

Ho3: Motivation has a relationship between Production and productivity.

H04: Motivation has a great significance on organizational effectiveness.

1.6 Scope of the study

The study was conducted in one of our country’s renowned banking sector, Karmasangsthan Bank Limited. We have conducted our research on five branches of Karmosangsthan bank on

about 130 employees. The survey was conducted on  the employees of different levels and employees with different experience. The research was conducted in Dhaka region mainly. We have used closed-ended descriptive questionnaire for data collection from the responders. In Bangladesh, there are numerous more similar banking sectors where such studies can easily be conducted and the result could be used for their benefits.  It would also improve employee relationship with top management.

1.7 Significance of the Study

Why do  we need motivated employees?  The answer is  survival (Smith, 1994). Motivated employees are needed in our rapidly changing workplaces. As we are still a developing country,

for our continuous growth, it is important that our economy be well governed and we can provide our maximum effort in workplaces, so we need to know where are we standing right now in case of employee motivation and what else we need to do to ensure more efficient performance from our employee. We also need to compare with others to find out where they are for individual benefits. So the significance of this study is undeniable. It is also required to

know about employee psychology and expectations, so that the top management can ensure more and more facilities for them

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